Monthly Archives: May 2012

Refactoring with GTest in Visual Studio

I have been using GoogleTest in Visual Studio 2010 for a few weeks now. I am fairly happy. I have the gtest libs built and it is pretty easy to setup a test project and start testing and reafctoring. I

Posted in Programming, Refactoring, TDD

Refactoring legacy code

Currently, I am working with some legacy code. There are errors and no automated tests. I made the choice that I will refactor the code and write unit tests as I will have to maintain the code for the immediate future. I

Posted in C++, Refactoring, TDD

Header only C++ unit tests

I am returning to TDD in C++. Through some recommendations I am using googletest and hippomocks as a unit test framework and mocking framework respectively. Previously, I have used CppUnitLite and briefly CppUTest (which appears to have grown out of

Posted in Programming, TDD

Geekup nights

Monday I’m off to my local monthly Geekup in Nottingham. Geekup nights are local groups of like minded programming enthusiasts.  The Nottingham one takes place in a bar so food and refreshments are readily available. the format so far has been

Posted in Geekup, meetups, Programming

Jabbering about new old things

Over the weekend I was struck by a “programmer’s block”, I had time to work on some code, a fresh new project, yet no particular inspiration about what to work on.  In the end I gave up and went for

Posted in Jabber, Programming, TDD, XMPP

Katas and Dojos

I’m learning new languages. Learning new languages to improve my toolbox and expand my programming horizons looking at the way different languages allow programs to be expressed in different ways. The usual problems exist, lack of time, over ambitious projects, unfamiliarity with

Posted in Programming

Conference surprise

Developer conferences are good in many ways. If you have the chance go to one its another great way to expand your horizon. Galvanizing too, the enthusiasm for programming can be infectious. Good to recharge your energy for homebrew projects to investigate

Posted in ACCU

Opening post – welcome!

Mostly about the code but occasionally something about the coffee. This blog will reflect my particular interests in software development. These include: Software training and practice TDD Developer networking Python C++11 Android development C# & .net

Posted in Programming